Thursday, March 5, 2015


Tobacco has existed for thousands of years, and it is still used in our society today. Tobacco is a stimulant, which gives the user arousal feeling. It satisfies the need for arousement, and that is the reason why people keep on smoking. They crave for that feeling again and again. Sadly, the sensational feeling only last for a while, but the virulent effects that come from smoking will scar you for life.

Cigarettes bring no good to society and the people who smoke. Some might argue that you can get a satisfying feeling from smoking, but there are always other ways to get a shot of adrenalin, or being aroused. Smoking has been determined as "uncivilized." It only brings harm to everyone. So what are the effects of smoking? Smoking harms nearly all of the organs in your body. It can cause many diseases and reduce the health of the smoker, and the people that comes in contact with the smoker.

What makes cigarettes deadly?
There are at least 69 chemicals found in a single cigarette. It can cause many terrible disease revolving the respiratory system and cardiovascular system. The people that comes in contact with the smoke from the cigarette can also be affected with diseases like above. Each year, smoking kills 480,000 people, solely in the U.S. That is more than HIV/AIDS, car accidents, murder, firearms deaths combined. 

There are no solution to smoking. You just have to stay away from smokers. The government can enforce the law of no smoking in public, but there are only a few countries that do so. Never, ever try a cigarette, even just one inhale, you will be tempted to try more. You will get addicted. Smoking is a deadly killer, and it will kill you in a very, very slow and painful way. SAY NO TO SMOKING!

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