Thursday, November 20, 2014


Forests are important to the world that we live in. It is the home of many animals, and it helps regulate the climate and air around the world.

One of the biggest forests in the world is the Amazon Rain Forest. It is dubbed as "Lungs of the Earth." However, the forest is now slowly destroyed for agricultural use.

Developing agriculture is useful to the economy, but harmful to the environment. From the figure above many areas are affected, causing the climate to change and the spots to increase temperatures (hot spots.) This affect the biodiversity of the animals in the forest, the people's life at the rear of the forest, and temperature of the Earth. 
Deforestation does not only happen in Amazon, it happens all around the world. Some causes of deforestation are: Agricultural activities, logging (legal or illegal), urbanization, desertification of land, forest fires, etc. We have been blindly exploiting nature to satisfy our needs, and we have only taken this matter seriously since lately. The more we destroy the sooner our extinction will come. The effects of deforestation have shown more clearly now than ever. Changing climates, global warming, release of Green House gases, soil erosion, wildlife extinction, etc. are all present.

Imagine a world where chaos takes place. The Earth is too hot, extreme weather happen around the world, animals are almost extinct, and humans cling to themselves hopelessly. Every minute, 36 football fields worth of trees are cut down. This means that 18921600 football fields worth of trees are gone EACH YEAR! The damage is not trivial, it is gargantuan. The effect that we most fear is that increase of temperature would lead to ice melting at both polar. This would rises the sea level and flood any countries that are near the sea level at the moment. Sadly, Vietnam is one of the countries. We would be wiped off of history in the 21st century if we do not do anything to prevent sea rising.

All in all, do not lose hope. There is always a solution for it, even though it would not solve the problem 100%. Replant forests, constrict the laws to be more harsh when it comes to logging, and raise awareness of the problems we have at hand.

Let us rebuild a better world!

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