Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Global Risks Report

Each year, we are reported about the problems that are currently risks. The Global Risks Report have shown various aspects of risks and the likelihood as well as severity of the threats. Let us discover and analyze these risks through the following infographics.

In this infographic, we have societal risks. To start off, we can clearly see that the risk have risen since 2014, most of them are very significant. The main reason for these changes are climate change. For example, water crisis has been happening in California for 4 years straight now. They are running of water, and the amount of water left can only sustain the state for a short period of time.

The next one is Geopolitical Risks. Similar to societal risks, there is a significant rise in the problems represented here. Major events that have happened are conflict between Russia and Europe over Ukraine. The Ukrainian civil war. The expansion of ISIS and its influences around the world, gaining recognition of a major terrorist group that threatens the safety of many people.

In this last infographic, we can see the positivity of environmental risks. We can see that most of the problems have the decreasing trend in severity, but the likelihood of them happening is still high. With the changes that we have made in terms of helping and preserving the environment, we have decreased the impact of it tremendously.

Everything correlates with each other. For example, the changes in the environment due to pollution have created the terrible 4-year drought in California (which is still going right now.) Conflicts happen because societal risks, where we do not come to a consensus. Right now, we have so many problems in our hands. The risks are increasing mostly. What can we do to decrease them and once again bring our world into a more peaceful time?

I think that societal and environment risks should be concerned and fixed first. Societal risks could bring war which only makes things worse. Environmental will impact heavily on the world, not just an area. Resolving them would decrease many, many problems.

Friday, May 22, 2015


After the Industrial Revolution in England, a watershed point in human history, a new era have opened up where technology assists human in various things. Factories and industries grew from the sheer ground that was once green and full of life. Cars run on roads that have been cut through various platforms of nature. We now live in an era where pollution is everywhere. Water, land, air, we all see it.

The basic definition of pollution is the contamination of the natural environment that cause severe changes. It could be done with chemicals, gases, and other various form of toxic that would bring harm towards nature. There are 3 kinds of pollution: Water, air, and land pollution. Water pollution is when the water is contaminated. Well known contaminants would be sewage, trash, chemicals, oil.

Air pollution is most famous with pictures of factories emitting columns after columns of gases into the air. There are also the exhaust of vehicles, burning fuels, and methane from cows. Air pollution contributes to the Green House effect and global warming. Climate is changing all over the world. Evidently, in Vietnam around this time (end of May,) there should be rain, but instead it is excruciatingly hot and humid.

Finally, it is land pollution. Land pollution can be as small as littering to as big as trash lands. We use many materials that cannot be recycled, and the idea of recycling things we use has only came to be a big thing the past decades. We did not understand that our resources would run out, and also we are polluting the environment that we live in. Would you want your house to be on a pile of trash? 

To save the world, we must act now. Here are methods that we could use. Use materials that could be recycled. Do not waste resources since everything is limited. Strict laws against factories that pollute the environment. Strict control of processing waste and gases. Reduce the amount of energy that you use (turn off lights, ACs, TVs, etc when you don't use). There are various methods, but are we all motivated enough to act accordingly to save the world? Only time will tell.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


We do the things that we do because we are motivated. Motivation is the sole thing that drives us to our goals. Motivation is the result of process, internal or external, of an individual that give rises to arousement, creating persistent and enthusiasm to pursue a certain goal. When we feel motivated, we created an unsatisfied need which imbalance the equilibrium. We desire to reach our goal to regain the equilibrium by the satisfaction that we would achieve.

Why are we motivated? There are many different factors to our motivation. It could be that we are interested in something. It could be that we set a goal and we want to achieve it. It could be a dream that we aspire. It could might as well be something that imbalance the equilibrium (dissatisfaction), and we aim to get rid of it. If we never had motivation in our lives, we would be listless corpses just working and working without a certain goal. When one is motivated, we would be more enthusiastic, have higher energy, more efficiency, high performance, and we are easily to adapt and change based on the situation. In the first semester, we studied about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Our needs motivate us to achieve them, to satisfy the mind and body. We are motivated to reach each level and then move on to the next one. We are humans, and our ancestors were motivated to survive in an environment where we have to do various things to survive and produce offsprings. Producing fertile offsprings is the sole purpose of a species. Without it, extinction will come and wipe out that species. The traits of surviving and achieving certain things to reduce and eliminate discomfort, dissatisfaction are embedded in our genes. They are innate, and we are motivated by them to survive. It is the same thing with fear. We fear because we are motivated to survive. We go on alert and try to avoid or fight the danger in order to survive. We are MOTIVATED to do so.

Maslow's first level is physiological needs, which is obvious because nothing could survive without the fundamental basics that would ensure the survival and development of a species. Humans need shelter, food, water, etc. Once this level is satisfied, we can move on to the next. The same apply for the upcoming ones. Safety needs is the next level. One wouldn't survive for long if there isn't a "safe house" for you to stay in. Our ancestors used caves. Now we use houses, buildings, apartments, etc. Also, there is economic security. This is something new that has just developed along with mankind. One couldn't survive without income/wealth. The system that we use is a "trading" system where we "trade" currencies to obtain various goods. Unless you can get food and water by harvesting, you are obliged to obtain wealth and use it. The third level is social need. The need for love, connection, relationship. If one was to live alone in this world, one would go insane in a few days. We are interconnected. We need to have other people in our lives to survive. It affects mostly our psychological well being. Warmth, love, happiness, etc. all comes from relationships and connections. The fourth level is self-esteem. Our ego, self-esteem determine the "value" of who we are. It is our confidence and recognition. If one lost ego, one would feel worthless in life. The last level is self-actualization. This level is where we begin to explore the world around us. Playing sports, drawing, literature, math, etc. We gain satisfaction through the actions that we do and the subjects that we delve in. Maslow's theory is that all humans go through these levels. If the lower level one (i.e safety needs) isn't accomplished, the next one wouldn't open up. 

McClelland's theory about motivation is that there are 3 different types of motivation, and people behave differently based on what they desire. The 3 types are: Need for Power, need for Achievement, and need for Affiliation. People that desire Power wants to control other people around them, to influence them. They prefer work that involves controlling other people, has an impact on events and people, and brings public attention and recognition. The next one is need for Achievement. The people in this group wants to achieve something that is challenging but not impossible. The last one is need for Affiliation. It is the desire to main a warm and friendly relationship with other people. The people in this group seek work that has interpersonal relationships, provides companionship, and brings social approval.

If we think about motivation and the problems that our world faces at the moment, we could virtually fix all of them. Aren't we motivated to do things to get rid of our discomfort? To get rid of the potential danger that we face? So why haven't we truly achieved any thing that is ground breaking, game changing? Because our motivation isn't enough to do so. For pollution, if the government were motivated enough, there would be a significant decrease in pollution of any kind. Factories wouldn't be able to freely empty sewages into rivers or produce an abundant of virulent gases into the air. We can enforce the law more strictly to bring down those who oppose, and we could eliminate the global threats that pollution could bring. Another example would be inequality in distribution of wealth. Are we motivated to see a society where everyone is equal or close to equal in all ways? The determine factor is wealth. The gap between the rich and the poor has been so wide that it would take an average workers thousands of years to obtain the amount of money a Hollywood celebrity or professional athlete make in a year. The average worker maybe motivated to work harder to earn money, but it is never enough. The government has to step in and regulate the money flow, balancing things out. A prosperous economy is where everyone has the power to purchase essential goods. Last but not least, biodiversity, the various species that live on planet Earth. Biodiversity is in danger. Many species have gone extincted. Some of them are because of natural causes, but others are because of human impact. If we are motivated to save the animals around us, we must act as if they are apart of us. We humans sometimes do not understand the crucial role that other organisms play in the chain of life. Without them, we wouldn't be able to survive. Motivation will give us the desire to save these organisms and maintain there habitat.

Motivation is so important that we are always motivated, but we don't actually realize it sometimes. Driving us forward, that is motivation. Desires and needs are always there. It is a part of human life. It is similar to greed, where there is no end to it.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Challenges in the 21st Century

It all seems like we now live in a century where most of our inconveniences have been eliminated. Turn back 100 years, the thought of an induction phone was still a fantasy, existing only in movies. Now, our technology have advanced to the point that many diseases can be prevented. Laptop, phones, technology, everything has now been very well developed. We human are sucked into this vortex of rapid development. We have seemed to forgotten the fundamental basics of human connection. Everything seems virtual now, that we forget the physical presence of others.

So are our lives better this way? We live longer, we have more help, everything seems to more convenience. There are so many things around us that we need to worry about now. Money, bills, health care, family, etc. We are bounded by these characteristics. We worry so much that we don't have time anymore. We have "ran out" of time. We don't live as we want, but we have to "obey" and "follow" what we need to do in other to survive in our societies. What can we do to free ourselves from these boundaries? Sometimes, we just have to relax, sit back, do nothing, maybe listen to soothing music, and empty your mind. Smile more, and worry less. Our lives are full of happiness, but we seem to miss it sometimes. Stay healthy and stay happy.